Politicans focus on Fir Vale

PACT meeting
PACT meeting

Story: Rohan Francis

David Blunkett MP, Shaun Wright – the new South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, local police officials and councillors heard residents' concerns at the monthly Police And Communities Together (PACT) meeting hosted by the Pakistan Advice and Community Association on 7th March.

Litter and antisocial behaviour

In response to residents' concerns about litter and antisocial behaviour, councillors told the meeting that Amey, the Council's contracted rubbish collection service, had increased the frequency of street cleaning in the area.

Crime figures falling

The meeting also heard from the police who presented new crime statistics demonstrating an overall drop in incidents, particularly burglary and robbery which fell by 19%, despite being on the increase across the city.

Street improvements

Residents insisted that existing measures to tackle litter and environmental decline were inadequate and that the streets were now in a very poor state. The police recommended that improvements to the streets, such as those seen recently in Shirecliffe, would be beneficial and could help to combat the issues raised. They told the meeting that a request had been made for Amey to bring forward the Streets Ahead project so that improvements could be begun immediately.

Refusal from Amey

Amey has since told the Messenger that this request has been refused and the work will be carried out, as planned, in 2015.

Residents questions continued on the subject of litter, with much frustration from local people who have seen a decline in Page Hall over the last 10 years. One angry resident stated, “You'll never improve the area until you stop letting landlords have the houses”.

This document was last modified on 2013-03-26 15:30:03.