Letter: Keep Pitsmoor Adventure Playground as it is

Dear Sheffield City Council,

I am very concerned about the future of the Pitsmoor Adventure Playground. We (son and parents) have been using the playground and have witnessed how popular it is. It means a lot to the children. It gives them a chance to play safely outside of their homes. They can exercise through play and “let off steam”.

The members of staff at the playground are excellent. They have a good rapport with the children and help them learn about teamwork, taking turns and positive conflict resolution. New arrivals improve their English outside school and make friends.

The playground is a safe haven in the busy neighbourhood of Pitsmoor/Burngreave. In my opinion it would be a very shortsighted decision to close the playground or to reduce its services. It would mean more children/young people would meet on the streets to play/hang out. They most probably would be without adult supervision. More anti-social behaviour would occur and the police would be called out more often. It makes much more sense to put money into preventative measures.

I urge you to rethink Pitsmoor Adventure Playground and to realise what an amazing place it is. Come and see for yourself what positive work for the community and its children/young people is being done at this place. Pitsmoor needs projects like this! Please keep the Pitsmoor Adventure Playground as it is.

Angela Kuster

This document was last modified on 2013-03-24 21:30:56.