Ellesmere Green update

Ellesmere Green - map of proposed changes
Ellesmere Green - map of proposed changes

Story: John Mellor

Final plans are being made for the improvements to Ellesmere Green which have been under consideration for some time now.

The revised plan shows some changes to the previous one shown in the August 2012 edition of the Burngreave Messenger. These include a footpath to the bus stop on Spital Hill and changes to parking arrangements.

The council officer co-ordinating the plans for the renovation of Ellesmere Green, Lucia Lorente-Arnau, told the Messenger,

“Following the initial consultation in July 2012, some traffic counts were undertaken before Christmas and it was decided to put forward a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to propose a two-hour parking limit on Ellesmere Road outside the shops. This would be free and would operate between 8am and 6.30pm from Monday to Saturday. In addition, 3 car parking spaces will be created on the opposite side of Ellesmere Road adjacent to the current toilets to compensate for those lost due to the pedestrian crossing outside the post office.”

The toilets themselves will be demolished due to lack of funding for maintenance. The Council is planning to close them from the beginning of the financial year on 1st April. Trees have already been removed in preparation for work to begin on the green later this year.

The estimated completion date for the project is November/December 2013.

This document was last modified on 2013-03-24 21:34:56.