Letter: Disgust at Playground closure

We are writing to express our utter disgust at the city council’s decision to effectively close Pitsmoor Adventure Playground. Their proposals mean that no paid staff will be present to supervise the kids and that all the structures that have been built over the years will be demolished on health and safety grounds.

We moved into this area 34 years ago and our kids and now our grandkids have benefited from using the playground. Facilities like these are not just somewhere safe for kids to play, they are nurturing grounds for much wider reasons.

Confidence is nurtured, physical exercise is nurtured, fun is nurtured, and friendships are formed between kids from a wide variety of cultures that last for generations. These playgrounds have played a tremendous role in minimising vandalism, holding back the influence of drug abuse and keeping our kids safer. This has happened because of paid, professional, well-trained staff.

By proposing to make the playground an “open space" after tearing down the structures, they will be opening up the opportunity for dealers and drug users to return.

This council talks about the need for “social cohesion" and in the same breath ensures its demise by administering the Tory cuts when they should be joining (or dare we say leading) others in fighting against these vicious policies.

Sheffield and some of its leaders have a proud history of rebellion and struggle against the rich and powerful who would like to see “scroungers and shirkers" queuing up at food banks and working for a pittance. Where are those councillors now?

Mr. & Mrs. Lawson

This document was last modified on 2013-03-24 21:33:33.