Bus Fare increases

Story: Muneebah Waheed

First Buses have announced an increase in fares from April 1st. Single fares will increase by 10p, whilst day tickets are set to increase by 20p and weekly tickets by 50p.

The student fare is amongst the fares which are set to increase, from 60p to 70p in April. For a return journey, this will cost the average student £1.40 and, when calculated weekly, will cost students £7 a week, an increase of one whole pound.

A local student spoke to the Messenger about the bus fare increase saying “Prices are increasing but the service is still really bad. Bus journeys are getting expensive but the bus will probably still arrive late.”

First have said that the increase is due to ‘rising business costs’.

This document was last modified on 2013-03-22 15:17:28.