Council questioned about Abbeyfield House

Concern at the future of Abbeyfield House was discussed by the Friends of Abbeyfield Park at their recent meeting and it was decided to present some questions to the Council.

Tim Neal, of the Friends’ Group, addressed the full meeting the Council on Wednesday 3rd October and asked questions about how the Council were planning to move forward: what sort of plans they had and how any when and decisions would be made?

Councillor Bryan Lodge, the Council’s Cabinet member responsible for finance, gave replies to say the council had carried out surveys on all its community buildings and the full cost of the re-roofing work was £150,000, which they are struggling to find at the moment. Kier is responsible for carrying out the repairs and the local councillors are to have a briefing on the building next week. He commented that the building was under-utilised but confirmed that there were no proposals to close it.

Tim Neal also described seeing the deeds to the House, which the council holds. These describe the changes of ownership of the House over the years and the historic activity in the house and grounds.

Tim said,

“Overall the response of Councillor Lodge was positive. It is reassuring to know that there is no immediate plan which threatens the House. There are clearly decisions the Council faces which could negatively affect Abbeyfield House and Park. However I firmly believe that the positive contribution of local residents expressed by the Friends' Group will help secure the future of the House. We will be continuing to focus on this to ensure that the users of the Park and House are represented."

“Although Councillor Lodge did not give details of details of the necessary repairs, I am confident the Council has shown commitment to doing what is necessary to preserve this important building.”

The next meeting of the Friends of Abbeyfield Park is on Thursday 25th October 2012 at 8pm in the Community Room at Abbeyfield House.

Friends of Abbeyfield Park - all welcome
8:00pm to 9:30pm Thursday 25 October 2012

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The Friends of Abbeyfield Park (FOAP) have been actively campaigning on behalf of Abbeyfield Park since 1996
This document was last modified on 2012-10-04 20:23:40.