Love Lopham

Love Lopham
Love Lopham

‘Love Where You Live’ was the message around Lopham Street on 31st August.

Volunteers from Burngreave Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) and Sheffield Homes staff did a thorough litter-pick around the area, followed by a buffet provided by the TARA.

The Lopham area has suffered with issues of fly tipping and rubbish problems for many years. The Love Where You Live campaign includes information for residents about how best to get rid of rubbish and how to report problems.

It is hoped that this awareness raising, followed by the clean up day, will encourage everyone to look after the area.

Burngreave TARA recently organised a trip to Cleethorpes and, following requests from tenants and residents, will be off to Blackpool Illuminations next.

The TARA now have the following activities for local residents:

To find out more, contact Burngreave TARA on 07983 921 653 Mon-Fri 10am to 2pm or email

This document was last modified on 2012-09-29 19:48:22.