Making Tracks

Dear Messenger,

Further to your article ‘Making Tracks at Parkwood’ in the last edition of the Burngreave Messenger.

Not everyone is so enamoured by or welcome these developments on Parkwood. We, the residents and walkers, have had to put up with trucks roaring about the paths with little or no regard to the fact that people and their dogs are walking there. The mess they have made of what was such a beautiful area has left many of us distressed and upset at the carelessness of tearing up rare wildflowers, trees and plants and the disturbance to the wildlife is nothing short of environmental vandalism. We had reassurances that every precaution had been taken to ensure this did not happen but what was an ‘oasis in the heart of an urban area’ has been ripped apart.

Bikers have already started using the site, even though it is not completed, with no regard whatsoever for the people walking. They are cutting across the paths at speeds which would cause serious damage to pedestrians and animals should they hit one; which be assured it won't be long before that does happen. Only yesterday a member of my family and a neighbour were almost knocked down and had to grab their dogs before they went into the path of the riders. This is going on well into the night. You can't sit outside in your garden in peace because of the noise.

Cooks Wood Road Resident (name and address supplied)

NB – Motor-cycling is illegal on Parkwood Springs and the police can confiscate motorbikes.

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The content on this page was added to the website by Kate Atkinson on 2012-09-30 17:03:58.
The content of the page was last modified by Kate Atkinson on 2012-10-01 11:02:12.

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