If you have an issue in your area, attending one of the local Council meetings could help you find a solution. Local residents raise many issues with the Council such as:
There have been four incidences of lead theft on my street. What are the police doing about this?
Will last winter’s snow warden scheme be extended as this has been useful for the elderly and disabled people?
Why are bowling charges having to be paid up front instead of when a match is played?
Could you tell me the schedule for street cleaning?
Are Councillors aware that there is overcrowding on bus routes in the area?
Come along to one of the following meetings. You can find out:
What services are doing to resolve a particular issue
What is happening locally
How to resolve a problem
Get Councillors support and involve other residents in solving a problem
Burngreave Area Ward Meeting
Do you have a local or a policing issue? Come along to the Burngreave Area Ward meeting where you can raise any questions and hear what the Assembly is doing
Thursday 11th October, 6-8pm
Vestry Hall, 2 Burngreave Road, S3 9DD (NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE)
Agenda items include:
Consultation on Parking Proposals near the Northern General Hospital
Update on Ellesmere Green Proposals
Your questions for the Police or your local Councillors.
Meet the Cabinet and North East Community Assembly meeting
Do you have a general question about issues in Sheffield? Come along to a special Meet the Cabinet event – Sheffield City Council’s Cabinet will be available to answer your questions.
Wednesday 31 October 6-9pm Meet the Cabinet 6-7.30pm followed by the NE Community Assembly meeting
Shirecliffe Community Centre, 349 Shirecliffe Road, S5 8XJ.
Questions can be submitted up to 7 days before the meeting. If time is available you can ask your question on the night (you are invited to share a sandwich with your local Councillors and the Cabinet members from 5.30pm)