October 2012 Issue 102

- Residents save 72 bus
In the August issue of the Burngreave Messenger we reported on the threatened termination of the 72 bus service. The 72 bus provides a service from the city centre, through Burngreave and up to Shirecliffe.
- Impressive GCSE results
Students across Sheffield celebrated their GCSE results in August, with schools attended by pupils from Burngreave being particularly proud of the excellent results achieved this year.
- Petition to repair Abbeyfield’s roof
Friends of Abbeyfield Park are petitioning the Council about the poor state of Abbeyfield Park House.
- PFI street repairs
The Council has revealed the timetable for Burngreave’s streets to be repaired under the £2 billion PFI contract. The first streets to be done are in Shiregreen.
- Editorial
Details about this issue, next deadlines and of the upcoming Messenger AGM.
- Roger Sheldon 1940 - 2012
Chair of Wensley Tenants and Residents Association, Roger Sheldon, died in August after a short illness. Roger had served as Chair of the TARA since 1997, but this was only a part of the public service he had given throughout his life.
- Love Lopham
‘Love Where You Live’ was the message around Lopham Street on 31st August
- Wensley Tenants and Residents Association
Details for the AGM and Activity Day for Wensley TARA.
- Carwood TARA General Meeting
Wednesday 10th October
- 20 years service at Ellesmere Post Office
Kamalbir Nandra (Kamal) who, along with his wife Dalbir (Bobby) has been running the Ellesmere Post Office since l992, has decided it is time to have a change.
- Have your say on library services
Sheffield City Council is looking to make changes to the city’s libraries due to spending cuts. The Messenger visited Burngreave Library to get views on the idea of changing library services
- Domestic abuse and welbeing
Domestic abuse is physical, sexual, psychological or financial abuse that takes place in an intimate or family relationship.
- Nazia’s story
One asian women's description of the abuse she suffured.
- Women’s Wellbeing Course
This course is for women who would like to improve their emotional and physical wellbeing,to share experiences without being judged.
- Sheffield Mind and Body course
A domestic abuse training course with Vida-life without abuse
- Shahina’s chairobics
Fitness, fun and friendship are all to be found at Shahina Hanif's weekly exercise classes in Firth Park and at the Pakistan Advice and Community Association in Fir Vale.
- What is Shisha?
The water pipe is used for smoking tobacco, and is known under various names including shisha, hookah and hubble-bubble pipe.
- New worker in Fir Vale
A new community development worker for Roma Slovak and Polish residents has been appointed to address the needs of local people.
- Recycling centre dispute
The Shirecliffe household waste recycling has been afected by strikes due to the reduction of opening hours.
- Page Hall Section 30 Order
The Section 30 Order allows the Police to move on groups of 2 or more people present in a public place and likely to be causing problems
- Digging success at last!
Over 25 people who came to the Annual SAGE Greenfingers Open Day on 18th September were delighted to hear that SAGE has secured a lottery grant so it can start offering sessions for free again from early in the New Year.
- International flavour at men’s breakfast
Nearly forty men from several countries enjoyed a delicious cooked breakfast at the Rock Christian Centre in Carlisle Street, near Spital Hill, on 15th September.
- Sharing Iftar meal
On 3rd August, Dr Abdelaziz, Manager of the Fatima Community Centre at 105 Brunswick Road, welcomed local residents to a special Iftar or fast-breaking meal and tour around their recently renovated building.
- Sun, sea and sand
A large group of young people aged 8-19 set off from Earl Marshall Youth Club and enjoyed a sunny seaside day at Cleethorpes in August.
- St Peter's summer fun day
St Peter’s Church held another successful fun day on 14th July
- Busy summer
Ellesmere Youth Project (EYP) had a busy summer, despite many young people being away for Ramadan. We ran trips and activities in various venues and for a variety of groups of young people.
- Danielle sets sail
Danielle Sharp has been employed as a Youth Development Worker with Ellesmere Youth Project (EYP) since 2007 but is now leaving to travel the world.
- Wonderful Summer at Watoto
Various celebrations at Watoto Nusery
- Brighter adventures
Pitsmoor Adventure Playground has had a lick of paint this summer, from the National Citizens Service (NCS).
- Wensley Street Fun Day
The fun day provided a range of events to engage the community in more healthy and positive activities and bring the community together.
- Riverlution festival
Riverlution – a festival of Sheffield's waterways started out at Kelham island.
- Fir Vale Food Festival
The first food event of its kind in the Fir Vale community was held at the School to celebrate Harvest Festival and Eid-ul-Fitr together.
- Rainbow celebrations
It’s here again! Building on last year’s success, volunteers from Rainbow’s End once more served up a fashion collection worthy of the West End at Christ Church.
- Puppet making at the chapel
Puppet making workshops in Burngreave cemetery chapel.
- Burngreave’s Zero Budget Film Festival
Cheap thrills films took place in the Cemetery chapel on saturday 15th september
- Creative Writing group
A friendly group of local writers of all ages from many communities
- Great start for Earl Marshall Juniors
The junior soccer teams of Earl Marshall JFC have enjoyed a great start to the new season.
- Caribbean sports day
On 12th August, the Caribbean Sports Club held its annual sports day – with the highlight England v Jamaica football match.
- Charity cycle ride
Paul Howard, Community Liaison Manager at Parkwood Academy, completes Land’s End to John O’Groats Charity Cycle Ride
- St James’ Church Centenary
In 1898 the Presbyterian Church of England decided to start a new congregation in Ellesmere Road to serve the growing number of Scottish people working and living in north Sheffield. Within a short while the growing number of members needed new premises and they bought a piece of land at the corner of Scott Road and Abbeyfield Road.
- Ice cream at the East House
After completing extensive refurbishment of the premises himself, Algali Saeed has recently opened what used to be the East House pub as an ice cream and coffee shop. He will shortly be adding burgers, kebabs, chicken, chips, pizzas and other items to the menu
- Swift Pharmacy
After months of renovation work, Sajid Razaq and his team of local professionals have transformed a corner shop next to Burngreave Vestry Hall into a new community pharmacy, offering late night opening hours, 7 days a week.
- Al-Esayi tableware
Local businessman Mohamed Saleh has recently opened a new store at 7 Ellesmere Road selling Middle Eastern tableware.
- Council tax bill rises
Anyone in Burngreave who gets council tax benefit is to pay more from April, under new proposals.
- Spital Hill entrance shuts overnight
Tescos Spital Hill entrance has been closing between 12 midnight and 6 in the morning after shoplifting incidents forced the store to shut one of its two main entrances overnight.
- Dementia Centre still threatened with closure
In October the Council will consider steps towards closure of Norbury Dementia Resource Centre on Barnsley Road.
- Cooks Wood Road update
People affected by an unauthorised scrapyard on Cooks Wood Road took their case to a planning committee and the Council has agreed enforcement action
- Rt Hon David Blunkett MP's surgeries
If you are having difficulty with your immigration or asylum claim, David Blunkett MP will be holding an advice surgery to specifically deal with these matters
- Community Assembly
News from North East Community Assembly in Burngreave.
- Young Leaders
Two Fir Vale students (Y11) have been selected to join Sheffield Academy of Young Leaders in recognition of their commitment and contribution as volunteers with the School Sport Partnership in our local area.
- Friends of Verdon Recreation Centre
On the 17th July 2012 and the 11th September 2012, Activity Sheffield invited community groups, members of the community and members of the public to a meeting to look into the possibility of setting up a ‘Friends of Verdon Recreation Centre’.
- Olympic Volunteer
Local resident Clare Burnell was among the many volunteers at this summer’s Olympic Games, working as a member of the Olympic Park events services team.
- George and Brian
See what George and Brian are getting up to in the latest installment of the cartoon.
- Pitsmoor Home Fire Girls Coffee Morning
We are having a talk at this month’s Coffee Morning on the theme of ‘My Dyslexic Faith.
- Dear Messenger...
This month's letters.
- Seasonal flu vaccinations
Burngreave Surgery and Herries Road Surgery: dates for flu vaccinations in October 2012
- Childcare vacancies at Firvale Pre-School
FREE 15 hours childcare for children aged 3yrs – 4yrs old.
- Green City Action news
The School for Vegetables: FREE short courses for beginners in vegetable gardening starting this autumn 2012.
Tool Bank: A comprehensive collection of tools available for loan. New opening times
- Do you want to break free from smoking?
Advice and information. Double your chance of success with fee local support!
- What am I doing here?
If God did exist what would you ask? The Alpha Course is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life. From 3rd October 2012.
- Parkwood Academy Open Event
Open day event on Thursday 4th October. Plus a chance to win an iPod!
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2012-09-27 14:18:43.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-10-05 16:09:30.
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Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
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Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.