Everyone is welcome at all these events and we hope that you bring family and friends with you. Unless otherwise stated, events are free to attend and there is no need to book; the meeting point for most events is at the new sculpture at the Shirecliffe Road/Cooks Wood Road entrance, or at the entrance to Little Pear Tree Field (just up the hill from the sculpture, near the bus stop).
A map of the site is available to download from Friends of Parkwood Springs website, which shows the various entrances and main footpaths.
Thursday 8th March 2012.
Friends group meeting, 7pm,
St Catherine's School, Firshill Crescent, S4 7BX The main purpose of this meeting will be to consider Viridor's restoration plans. Following their presentation to us on 28 September, there are a few copies of their large plan drawings which can commented on, with a view to preparing an agreed set of comments as a formal response on behalf of the Friends group.
Saturday 10th March 2012, 10am to 12 noon,
Practical ‘clean up’ morning working with the Rangers on litter picking, cutting back and generally tidying up the site. All tools and materials will be provided. Meet in the car park/near the new sculpture at the Cooks Wood Road entrance.
Saturday 10th March 2012, 12noon,
Tour of the planned mountain bike routes following our ‘clean up’ morning, Jon Dallow will be leading a tour of the planned mountain bike routes for Parkwood Springs. Please come along to find out what's happening.
Sunday 22nd April 2012, 11.00am to 1.00pm,
Parkwood history walk
Join the Rangers and the Friends of Parkwood to explore and find out the hidden histories of Parkwood. Meet at the entrance to Little Pear Tree Field, Cooks Wood Road. (Please note that this event was previously publicised at starting at 1.30pm to 3.30/4pm) http://www.parkwood-springs.org.uk
Friends of Parkwood Springs is a voluntary group, set up to protect and develop the green space of Parkwood Springs. There is no membership fee and we are always happy to welcome new members. As a member, you will be kept informed about meetings, plans and events. Further information can be found on our website or email parkwood.springs@gmail.com