Free home insulation

Story: Saleema Imam

Sheffield’s free insulation scheme, aimed to combat both fuel poverty and climate change, has reached parts of Burngreave.

It offers a package of free loft and cavity wall insulation to private owners and tenants in the city. It was launched in 2009 and recognised that good insulation has a big impact on tackling climate change. Carillion Energy Services is the only contractor the Council is using to install the insulation.

Carillion staff are visiting households to tell occupiers about the scheme. However, if no-one is in and they don’t respond to a calling card, they could miss out on the scheme. Carillion are keen to install the insulation but need to make contact with householders first. Social housing tenants are not eligible, as they should have the “Decent Homes” scheme instead.

To sign up for the scheme contact the Council on 0808 915 9096 (freephone) or 203 9202 8am – 6pm, Monday – Friday, or e-mail

More information is on

This document was last modified on 2012-05-25 15:26:51.