Diggers and Dreamers at Grimesthorpe

Losing the Plot
Losing the Plot

Story & photo: Tim Neal

On Wednesday 16th May Grimesthorpe Allotments hosted the Micron Theatre Company’s new touring show, Losing the Plot.

Written by Deborah McAndrew, the play tells the story of allotment folk, a group of “diggers and dreamers” who find themselves involved in a comical struggle to save their site, Thistledale Allotments, from Council development plans.

Losing The Plot Photo
Losing The Plot Photo

With great creativity, the actors set up stage at the top of the allotment site. An audience of over 100 people gathered, fortunate enough to watch them perform under a blue sky with Sheffield visible in the distance.

A highlight of the show saw the history of the allotment movement dramatised in music and song. The performances were entertaining and energetic and the company clearly in sympathy with an independence of spirit typical of allotment sites.

SAGE Greenfingers are to be congratulated for having the foresight to invite them and Green City Action for helping organise food and drinks.

Grimesthorpe Allotments were very fortunate to host this event and they hope to find other occasions to gather so many people together under such grand Sheffield skies.

This document was last modified on 2012-06-14 15:37:13.