Story: Kath Hobson
On Friday 4th May two volunteers from Breast Cancer Care came to Firs Hill School coffee morning to give lots of important information about breast cancer.
Cath and Pat have both had breast cancer and are survivors. Their stories were both heart warming and heart wrenching.
The topics they covered our sessions were:
What breast awareness is and why it is important;
Identifying the range of things that can be normal in our breasts;
Knowing what changes to look and feel for;
Gaining confidence in knowing what to do next;
Importance of the breast screening programme and known risk factors.
The workshop was very interactive, everyone learnt so much from the session and realised there is so much we still don't know.
We watched a film of women’s stories and had a nice chat afterwards about misconceptions and old wives tales and got to ask loads of questions.
If you would like to book a session for your group,