June 2012 Issue 100

- Pauline's Olympic effort
Pauline Agatha Neita has just finished the 2012 London Marathon, one of the seven charity runs she plans to take part in to celebrate the Olympic year.
- Two festivals in Abbeyfield Park
A summer festival in Abbeyfield Park has been a fixture for over a decade. This year there will be two.
- Police cordon off Burngreave Road after stabbing
Burngreave Road was cordoned off for several hours on Friday 20th April, after a young man was stabbed.
- Retrial for Spital Hill shooting
Abdi Omar, of Lopham Street, will face a retrial after a jury failed to reach a verdict on his case at Sheffield Crown Court.
- The Editorial
The Messenger has reached its 100th issue.
- Dates for your diary
Dates for your diary
- Hucklow praised by OFSTED
Hucklow Primary School received a ‘Good’ OFSTED rating in March, with ‘much that is outstanding’ with the teaching.
- Sing Up Gold Award!
Byron Wood have reason to sing – they have just been awarded a national award, the Sing Up GoldAward.
- Family Food & Film event
Fir Vale's thriving parents group CASP (Community & School Partnership) once again provided delicious food and entertainment for the local community on a rainy Sunday afternoon in April.
- Activity Sheffield staff changes
Burngreave residents went to the Full Council meeting at Sheffield Town Hall on 4th April to tell councillors they valued staff at Verdon Recreation Centre and Pitsmoor Adventure Playground.
- Fundraising at Verdon Rec
Mothers of Burngreave Network held a successful fundraising event on 13th April at Verdon Recreation Centre.
- Youth centres affected by changes to youth services
After changes to staff at Sheffield Futures, young people have lost out again at local youth centres.
- Champion Muheeb turns professional
On their arrival at the Messenger office, Elias and Muheeb Fazeldin, father and son, began a revelation of personal achievements, along with their ideology of promoting Burngreave in the arena of professional championship boxing.
- Earl Marshall Juniors – Season Review
There was mixed fortune this season for local Pitsmoor and Burngreave based football club, Earl Marshall Juniors. The Club celebrated the players’ achievements at two memorable presentation nights on the 11th and 12th May.
- From the Streets
Kim Streets, the new Chief Executive of Museums Sheffield, lives in Burngreave. I went to meet her and find out what it's like working in Sheffield's arts and heritage.
- Soap Star in Firvale
A highly motivated 26-year old has broken out of the cycle of temporary contracts and unemployment by setting up his own soap making business, working from home.
- In the news 100 years ago
To celebrate the Burngreave Messenger’s 100th issue, our local history group decided to look back at Sheffield newspapers published in the same week of May 1912, 100 years ago.
- 1912 coal strike
In 1912 there were prolonged countrywide coal strikes following cuts to miner’s wages. The strikes ended when, despite strong opposition, the government passed the Coal Mines Act, which set a minimum wage for miners.
- Whitsuntide 1912
100 years ago Spring Bank Holiday was then known as Whitsuntide, one of the best and brightest of the Bank Holidays. Whitsuntide is a Christian festival which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Christ’s disciples.
- Pitsmoor – A peek into the past
Over the past few years you will have read lots of local history articles in the Messenger, many by members of Burngreave Local History Group.
- The Peace Child
On Tuesday the 27th and Wednesday the 28th of March 2012, the Byron Wood Year 3’s and Year 4’s performed an outstanding production of ‘The Peace Child’.
- Spring Bank Activities
Half Term activities for children and young people in June.
- Health Day
Pakistan Advice and Community Association hosted two successful health days in May.
- Breast cancer awareness
volunteers from Breast Cancer Care came to Firs Hill School coffee morning on 4th May to give information about breast cancer. about breast cancer. Cath and Pat have both
- Grand Opening of MUGA at Owler Brook
The brand new multi use games area (MUGA ) at Owler Brook was opened in May
- Parkwood Academy New Building
On the 19th April 2012, Parkwood Academy moved into a spacious new building.
- Learning Somali tradition
Every week Somali girls from across Sheffield meet at Verdon Recreation Centre to learn traditional Somali dance/
- Engage learners Earn Certificates
12 Engage learners celebrated the completion of their course
- Jubilee Events 2012
Local events to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee 2012
- George & Brian: Happy Birthday
George and Brian: Cartoon by Edgar Lowman
- Face Britain
Mona Hassan and Sahra Elmi, Y10 students at Fir Vale, were part of a select national Youth Forum in 2011, working with the Prince’s Foundation for Children & the Arts, to shape a special art project to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the 2012 Olympics.
- Cemetery & Chapel: Past and Future
Friends of Burngreave cemetery and chapels have plans for the future
- Diggers and Dreamers at Grimesthorpe
Grimesthorpe Allotments hosted the Micron Theatre Company’s new touring show, Losing the Plot.
- Free meal at Burngreave Ashram
Free meal offered by the Ashram every Wednesday
- Spring Clean at Wensley
Wensley Tenants and Residents Association managed a clean up of the Wensley Estate in April.
- New services at Carwood TARA
A new advocacy service is launched by Carwood TARA.
- Our first General Meeting
Burngreave Tenants and Residents Association (TARA).held their first general meeting on 18th April at theVestry Hall.
- Family pet shot dead in Pitsmoor
A much loved family pet was cruelly put to death on 5th May
- BME carers conference
Carers and professionals enjoyed an informative and fun day at the Roshni conference for carers in the BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) community at SADACCA on Saturday 24th April, celebrating 20 years in Sheffield.
- Fairness in Burngreave
Sheffield’s Fairness Commission – which met at Sorby House on 9th May – was set up to look at the harmful impact of the gap between the richest and poorest and to see what can be done in Sheffield.
- Free home insulation
Sheffield’s free insulation scheme, aimed to combat both fuel poverty and climate change, has reached parts of Burngreave.
- Ripples Echo through Firth Park
On the 7th May 2012, many people braved the cold and the drizzling rain to celebrate the official opening of the wetland park in Firth Park.
- Interfaith picnic Earth Day
A picnic took place in the Parkwood Forest Garden on Sunday 22nd April at 12 noon, where interfaith group members gathered for a tour around the garden.
- Interfaith walk
The annual interfaith walk on Sunday the 22nd April came again into Burngreave to celebrate the unity of different faiths in the area.
- Community Assembly
Contact us on (0114) 203 7562
email: communityassemblynortheast@sheffield.gov.uk,
or write to: Firth Park Library, 443 Firth Park Road, Sheffield, S5 6QQ.
Blog – http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/northeastnews
Website – http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/northeast
- Mandla Sibanda 1974 to 2012
Mandla Nkosi Sibanda passed away in the early hours of 26th March 2012 having collapsed near his home at Crabtree nature reserve, it is thought from hypothermia, but the exact causes are yet to be determined.
- Mohammed Yousaf 1941-2012
Born in a village on the outskirts of Peshawar, Pakistan, Mohammed Yousaf lost his dad at the age of 4 and he was brought up by his elder brother.
- Tribute to Diane Parton
We were very sad lately to hear of the passing away of Diane Parton (known as Diane Johnson) a friend and colleague who served the community at the Earl Marshall youth club.
- Job: Office and Distribution Administrator
The Burngreave Messenger has a vacancy for an Office and Distribution Administrator
Hours: 16 hours per week
Salary: £19,621 pro rata
Closing date: 12 noon Thursday 14th June 2012
- Changes at Burngreave Community Radio
Following the loss of the FM licence in September 2011, Burngreave Community Radio (BCR) has been planning for the future.
- Cheap Thrills - The Return
The team behind last year’s highly successful ‘Cheap Thrills’ Burngreave film festival are holding a second even on September 15th. 2012.
- AGM of the Crescent Community Centre
The Crescent Community Centre hold their Annual General Meetng on Thursday 28th June.
- BCAF Annual General Meeting
Burngreave Community Action Forum hold their AGM on Saturday 23rd June. A new committee is needed as the majority of the existing committee are resigning at this AGM.
- ‘Goings on’ in Burngreave Cemetery
Details of events at Burngreave Cemetery in June and July.
- Ellesmere Children’s Centre Multicultural Event 2012
Friday 8th June. This year’s event will be a food tasting extravaganza with cuisine from around the world for you to try and enjoy.
- A new lease of life for Ellesmere Green…
The Council has recently approved funding to upgrade Ellesmere Green and need your opinions about the work to be done as funding is limited. Consultation will run from Monday, 2 July until Friday, 27 July 2012.
- St Peter's Sporting Summer Fete
Sporting event at St Peter's Church on Saturday 14th July
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2012-05-24 14:22:02.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-07-23 14:35:54.
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All content is copyright © Burngreave Messenger Ltd. or its voluntary contributors, unless otherwise stated, not to be reproduced without permission. If you have any comments, or are interested in contributing to the Messenger and getting involved, please contact us.
Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.