My Little Sister

Serish And Little Sister
Serish And Little Sister

Written by Sehrish Khan

I have a little sister,
They call her sweetie pie.
She sits in the corner and pretends to cry.
At night she takes up all the bed,
In fact last night she slept on my head!

I have a little sister,
She still wears a nappy,
She plays all day to keep herself happy.
She's clever, intelligent and really smart,
But absolutely messy when it comes to art.

I have a little sister, She loves to eat,
In the middle of the night I can smell her feet.
She acts like an adult and calls my brother Mister,
I just can't believe that she's my sister.

This page was produced by Byron Wood School Young Writers Group.

Members of the editorial team were Laila Dhoble, Aksa Shahid, Sehrish Khan, Anam Hussain, Samier Garratt, Tamikka Reid, Nada Agila, Javien Allen, Safeena Shafiq.

The Young Writers Group was supported by Museums Sheffield and the Burngreave Messenger.

Find more Family inspired creativity in ‘The Family in British Art’ at the Millennium Galleries from 1st February.

This document was last modified on 2012-06-03 21:21:35.