Finding positive ways forward

Mubarak Hassan
Mubarak Hassan

Story: Lisa Swift

Mubarak Hassan is the new Somali Community Development Coordinator.

Mubarak is working voluntarily for Somali Unity Committee, to develop and support the Somali Community, but much of his work is around young people. A key concern is that young Somali men need to find positive ways forward, following recent deaths and concerns about young men taking the wrong direction into criminality.

Mubarak has recently set up employment and support sessions at 30 Burngreave Road, where the Somali Community Association is based.

“It's been identified that there are barriers for Somali young people in gaining employment, training and education, so the sessions help them update CVs, improve their interview skills, fill in applications and take up volunteering opportunities.”

Mubarak is currently in discussions about developing work with Burngreave Works, the local job-brokering organisation. He is also keen to see support focus on older young people.

“Moving on from the leisure activities young people find in youth clubs, it is important to see the senior age group (17-25) supported to gain employment through a focused programme of activities.”

While it’s early days, the first sessions have gone well. Mubarak explained,

“Young people welcomed it, and felt it was something that will be helpful. We are hoping to work with others to develop it.”

For more information, contact or on his mobile: 07753 294 981

This document was last modified on 2012-02-05 18:50:00.