Help with rubbish

Dumping Rubbish
Dumping Rubbish

The North East Community Assembly (NECA) has gained an extra member of staff in Andy Christian,one of two Community Cohesion lead officers who has been asked to look at a wide variety of issues in the area, including researching and developing the ‘People Getting on Together’ community plan.

One of his immediate concerns is to address the problem of fly tipping and street dumping in Page Hall. Several agencies will be working together on this. Among other activities, they will remind tenants and landlords that the correct procedure for disposing of bulky waste is for them to take it to a Household Waste Recycling Centre themselves.

The nearest centre is the ‘dump-it’ site at Longley Avenue West, Shirecliffe, S5 8WA. If you don't have access to appropriate transport, you can arrange collection of bulky material by ringing (0114) 2734567. There will be a charge of £39.36 for collecting up to 10 items with a reduced charge for people on benefits (contact the Council for more information). If you and your neighbours have bulky items like furniture or mattresses to dispose of, then you could bring up to 10 items together for one collection and share the cost.

This year, in this area, the Council will be taking a much more active approach to people who dump rubbish on the streets. There will be two ‘Bring Out Your Rubbish’ days in February for streets in Page Hall:

Please look out for a leaflet for instructions or ring (0114) 203 7562

Bring Out Your Rubbish- Willoughy/Hinde/Wade Street area
10:00am to 4:00pm Wednesday 15 February 2012
Bring Out Your Rubbish- Popple/Rushby/Owler Lane area
10:00am to 4:00pm Thursday 16 February 2012

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The content on this page was added to the website by Lydia Flanagan on 2012-02-03 08:16:00.
The content of the page was last modified by Lydia Flanagan on 2012-02-03 10:03:39.

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