Green City Action - Burngreave Garden Share Project

Garden Sharing
Garden Sharing

Do you have an unused corner of garden that you would be happy to share with a neighbour?

Or would you like to grow your own fruit and vegetables in a neighbour’s garden?

What is a garden share?

Garden Owners make some space in their garden available to a Grower and in return the Grower undertakes to offer a share of the produce grown there. Green City Action is aiming to link people close to each other. Green City Action will meet both the owners and the growers to explain the scheme in more detail and discuss the requirements before suggesting possible matches.

Green City Action will provide guidance and support to the garden owner and grower to take this forward. We can loan gardening tools too. For more information please contact Green City Action on 0114 244 0353 or

This document was last modified on 2012-02-03 20:39:40.