Editorial - cuts and benefit changes

The impact of cuts and benefit changes

Burngreave remains one of the poorest areas in the country and will be badly hit by the Government's twin agendas of ‘welfare reform’ and ‘localism’.

From our position in Burngreave, welfare reform means cuts and localism means dumping the responsibility for the resulting hardship on the local authority and local charities. With organisations at full stretch to help more people, it will be easy for the impact of cuts on individual lives to be less visible.

In the coming months, the Messenger will aim to inform people in Burngreave of the approaching cuts and we hope to record what the real impact has been. If you are affected by these cuts, we would like to hear from you. Call or email us at the Messenger office on 242 0564 or mail@burngreavemessenger.org

Document Links

Benefit Cuts in Burngreave
An outline of the April benefit cuts.
This document was last modified on 2012-12-02 21:58:02.