The Assembly Community Plan sets out the priorities for the north-east area, and the targets and actions required within those priorities. The new plan will be approved at the Assembly meeting in March 2013.
These are the priorities that the North East Community Assembly has identified for the area in consultation with the community:
Clean, tidy, greener ‘streets to be proud of’
Improved Parks and open spaces
Community support and people getting on together
More things for children and young people to do
Neighbourhoods where people feel safe
Improved roads and transport
Improved housing and the built environment
Reducing health inequalities ‘adding years to life and life to years’
Getting people into work and out of poverty
Raising educational attainment, aspiration, and reducing school exclusions
Tell us if you are happy with these priorities or if you have any other issues – please fill in the card included in this magazine (there is no need to add a stamp), or you could send an email or complete the survey
Please reply by Friday 14 December 2012.