Abbeyfield House latest

Save Abbeyfield House!
Save Abbeyfield House!

Story: Jamie Lang (Treasurer Friends of Abbeyfield Park)

The future of Abbeyfield Park House is still uncertain. Concerns had been raised the City Council might not be able to maintain the House, after notice was given that the roof was in such poor condition that it could no longer be repaired on a piecemeal basis. Fears were expressed that this could lead to the House being left empty and decaying.

The Friends of Abbeyfield Park, supported by local Councillors, have asked for the situation to be reviewed, given the negative impact that an empty, decaying building would inevitably have on the park, its users, and the surrounding area. In response the Council have agreed to look at costings for a more long term solution to the roof problem, and ways in which funding to achieve this could be found.

Council officers have indicated that identification of a new ‘anchor tenant’ from a Council service would be ideal, as it would provide a secure rental income to fund maintenance. However, given the Council’s well known financial issues, all options are being considered, including commercial or other external users.

The petition to ‘Save Abbeyfield House’ is still gathering force with over 400 signatures online and on paper. It will allow us to present our case from the floor of the Council if need arises.

Please continue to support it online at: then click on ‘Save Abbeyfield Park House’.

Or by contacting for a paper copy or follow the blog at:

This document was last modified on 2012-12-03 14:14:50.