Update on BCAF

BCAF held its AGM on Saturday 23rd June 2012 at Pitsmoor Methodist Church.

It was noted that income for the last year was a quarter of that of the previous year. BCAF held successful public meetings in May 2011 (topic of cuts to young people’s services) and in July (ESOL). BCAF also secured NLDC funding to produce the Northeast Adult Learning Guide and website and run a women's health course. BCAF has had no paid worker and the bulk of the work, in particular the networks, had been done with support from the Burngreave Messenger.

It was felt that the limited company could be wound up even if the name of BCAF continues as an informal or unincorporated association. In previous years, BCAF had always been supported by paid staff but lack of funds has prevented it having a worker.

Directors were appointed for the coming year.

This document was last modified on 2012-07-23 12:02:17.