The lights go out

Story: Douglas Johnson

The lights are going out on the Wicker as the cuts bite.

When the Wicker was revamped, the paving was improved with new stone benches containing coloured lighting. Additional lighting also illuminated the trees, creating an attractive environment in the evenings, when the Wicker is busy. The lighting also made people feel safer. Whilst the project was a success, the Council was left with the cost of the electricity, as no money was found for the ongoing bills. Now the cuts in public services have led the Council to turn off the lights, to save the £3000 a year cost. The street lighting is not affected.

Local traders at the Wicker Forum were asked if they would like to take on the cost. They told council officers it was a “bit of a cheek” to be asked for an extra contribution when city centre traders were not being asked to pay extra.

This document was last modified on 2012-03-29 14:47:23.