Burngreave Messenger is about to become a teenager! In July, we’ll be celebrating our 13th birthday and in June, we’ll be putting out our 100th issue – quite an achievement for a community magazine run mainly on the time, effort, skills and goodwill of local volunteers.
The Messenger is delivered free to over 9,000 houses in Burngreave and Firvale six times per year. We know how much readers value the magazine as a reliable source of local news and a strong voice for the area and the people who live here.
A Roe Lane resident says, “I look forward to each issue coming out. There's so much information about what’s happening locally and lots of photos. I often recognise people I know. I keep each copy for all the contact details it contains.”
We have had vital grant funding from the Tudor Trust and the Big Lottery Fund. Adverts from local businesses contribute about a fifth of the cost of each issue. Equally important, readers donated close to £1,000 last year, making a crucial contribution to keeping the Messenger free to its readers; though to print it, pay for a small staff team and the young distributors who put the Messenger through your letterbox (for many this is their first regular employment) costs under £10 a year per household.
You can help keep the Messenger free
By sending a one-off donation to the Messenger office in Abbeyfield Park House, Sheffield, S4 7AT.
By visiting (www.burngreavemessenger.org). Ifyou pay tax we can claim an extra 25% of your donation through Gift Aid by visiting the website.
By standing order. This can be arranged by ringing the office on 242 0564 or, if you have internet banking facilities, by making the standing order payable to the Messenger bank account, Sort Code No: 09-01-50, Account No: 02705737.
Thank you. With your help, we can keep the Messenger going!
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