Firs Hill litter pick

Firshill Litterpick
Firshill Litterpick

Story: Kath Hobson

The Friends of Firs Hill School and the School Council have begun a project to reduce the levels of litter and dog fouling in the area around the school.

The project launched before the start of the Easter holidays with a competition to design posters about the issues of litter and dog fouling. The winning poster(s) will be posted around the area to encourage everyone to keep public spaces cleaner.

We aim to join the Neighbourhood Cleanup Campaign proposed by the Burngreave Safer Neighbourhood Team and Firs Hill TARA and to include St Catherine’s School/ brownies and guides.

Litter picks are planned between April and June 2012. Surveys will be done to assess what type of litter is being dropped and where. Litter which is recyclable will be collected separately.

The litter pickers will be organised into small groups with at least one CRB checked adult with each group of children. The children will be encouraged to be as involved as possible in the organisation of the project.

All participants will receive a certificate. For more information or to join contact Clare on

This document was last modified on 2012-04-02 06:13:49.