April 2012 Issue 99

- Gold medallist
A 13 year old from Firvale school is proving to be a success as a runner despite having only trained for the past year. Essa Ahmed of Firvale began running for the school team after the coach took him under his wing.
- £1 million for Spital Hill
Over £1 million is to be spent on improving the Spital Hill shopping area.
- Nursery Street work to start
A new park is being created that should help keep the Wicker flood-free.
- The lights go out
The lights are going out on the Wicker as the cuts bite.
- Supporting the Messenger
The Burngreave Messenger is about to become a teenager! In July, we’ll be celebrating our 13th birthday and in June, we’ll be putting out our 100th issue – quite an achievement for a community magazine run mainly on the time, effort, skills and goodwill of local volunteers.
- Messenger Info
Information about the Burngreave Messenger, contact details, next copy deadlines and thank you to this month's vounteers.
- Tesco impact on Spital Hill shops
To look at, Spital Hill is not suffering at all. Very few of the shops are empty, with several new businesses establishing themselves in recent months, ranging from new take-aways to clothing shops. The greatest fear is for the grocery stores, so we focused our attention on these.
- Brightening up Spital Hill
Queen Shop is a new shop on Spital Hill, selling fashion clothing for women.
- Residents raise concerns about staff changes
Local residents have raised concerns about proposed staff changes at Verdon Recreation Centre and Pitsmoor Adventure Playground, both run by Activity Sheffield.
- Cuts in local spending
The £78,446 Discretionary Budget for the Community Assembly allocated to Burngreave ward seems a lot, but it’s £30,000 less than last year’s allocation.
- Making Tracks at Parkwood springs
Work starts soon at Parkwood Springs, on an exciting new mountain bike trail, funded by Sport England and European Value. The free, open access trail is designed to be accessible and promote skills development at all levels from novice to expert rider.
- Foresters and horses in Greater Roe Woods
Gamers’, but foresters, have been in Greater Roe Woods. They’ve been leaving pink dots on trees to be thinned, which will encourage the tree canopy and nesting birds. The foresters have also been raising the next stand of oak to bring on a tall ‘Treeland Standards’ habitat.
- Parkwood Springs litter pick
The winds and storms of winter toss rubbish about and leave our open spaces unattractive.
- Wensley's metal gates secured
Wensley residents have been targeted by metal thieves in recent months, with a number of garden gates going missing.
- Metal thefts in Fir Vale
Residents are expressing anger after metal theft has been continually taking place in Fir Vale and Page Hall, with large amounts of metal having been taken from their own private backyards.
- Trees vandalised on Abbeyfield Road
At the lower end of Abbeyfield Road, near Osgathorpe Road, two fairly young trees planted several years ago and a quite substantial mature tree have been cut down.
- Page Hall house sales
The Council have now sold 24 of the 32 properties they owned in Page Hall, raising a total of £856,358.
- Mawlid Celebrations
On the 19th of February 2012, the Muslim community united and came together, on a surprisingly sunny afternoon, on the streets of Fir Vale to celebrate the life and birth of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing Be Upon Him).
- Interserve keep Fir Vale Astroturf closed
Fir Vale's Astroturf is an importanmt facility in the area but it’s been closed to local groups since November.
- Bill Stead ‘lucky to be alive’ at 90
Bill Stead, of Rock Street, celebrated his 90th birthday with his family and friends at the ‘Normanton public house’ recently.
- Easy PPI money
I know there is much hype out there surrounding PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) but a lot of people in Pitsmoor are probably owed some. You can easily claim it back and you don’t need to use a claims company
- International Women's Day
International Women’s Day is celebrated in March to recognise the critical role and contribution that women make, not just in the family but in the community. It helps empower women and achieve a better society
- Muslim Women’s Voices
Muslim Women’s Voices is a group based in Burngreave whose aim is to listen to and involve Muslim women who are at risk of being socially excluded on the grounds of their religion, belief, gender, race or other social or economic disadvantage.
- World Book Day
Burngreave’s schools celebrated World Book Day on 1st March 2012 with book-related events and costumes.
- Byron Wood’s got talent
On Tuesday the 7th of February 2012 Byron Wood Primary School had a talent show, “Byron Wood’s Got Talent"
- Friendships without borders
In February's half-term break, a group of young people from different schools and colleges in the city, including Parkwood Academy and Sheffield College, made a short film for an Olympic Games film competition.
- George & Brian: Spring
Cartoon from Edgar Lowman
- Breast awareness in women over 70
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK but is a very treatable cancer in most women, especially if it is found in the early stages. More than 8 out of 10 women survive breast cancer.
- Learning to live healthy
Burngreave Healthy Communities has been working on helping people manage and prevent Type 2 Diabetes in recent months.
- Serious accidents
Several serious accidents are making local people increasingly concerned about their safety and the difficulties of using new road crossings.
- Byron Wood Choir
On Friday 9th March 58 children from the Byron Wood choir were invited to participate in the Music for Youth Regional Festival to perform in front of an audience and two adjudicators.
- Byron Wood road safety
Streetwise Sam has joined Byron Wood School to help children become aware of road safety.
- Firs Hill litter pick
The Friends of Firs Hill School and the School Council have begun a project to reduce the levels of litter and dog fouling in the area around the school.
- A friend for everyone
Owler Brook School had a friendship week
- Fairtrade at St Catherine’s
From 5th March 2012, children explored the meaning of Fairtrade and how they support farmers across the world.
- Hucklow’s Business and Enterprise Project
Hucklow school pupils are working on a major enterprise project, aiming to learn the key skills required to plan, design and produce products
- Little Ummah Playgroup
we are running (perhaps the first ever in Sheffield) Muslim-focused mother, baby and toddler group, every Wednesday
- Community Development and Health Course
The aims to teach people how to make small changes to improve their own health and the health of their families and community.
- Writing wrongful cuts
a fundraising writing event for people who wanted to write but never had a chance to demonstrate their skills.
- Book yourself in at the Library
If you don't know what a great resource we have on our doorsteps, it’s time you visited Burngreave Library.
- Easter Holiday Activities
School holiday activity provision for young people from 2nd to 15th April
- Pye Bank Communication Ambassador
30 volunteers are Communication Ambassadors in Sheffield.
- Losing the plot
A tale of Love, Life and Allotments
- Riverside Weekends - Volunteer Sessions and Pub Grub
Practical conservation sessions for volunters
- Burngreave Community Action Forum Public Meeting
The BCAF public meeting will be held on Saturday 14th April 2012 at 11am at Pitsmoor Methodist Church, Burngreave Rd
- Invitation to Easter events at Christ Church and St Peter's
Easter events
- Friends of Burngreave Chapel & Cemetry
Public Meeting
- Community Assembly
Contact us on (0114) 203 7562
email: communityassemblynortheast@sheffield.gov.uk,
or write to: Firth Park Library, 443 Firth Park Road, Sheffield, S5 6QQ.
Blog – http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/northeastnews
Website – http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/northeast
- Internet café on Scott Road
Next to Bruce’s grocery store on Scott Road is .net, a new internet café and mobile phones and accessory shop. It provides a variety of services, including mobile phone unlocking, top-ups, phone and PC repairs and even a Playstation to come and play games online.
- Tea gardens
Tea gardens outing and tea gardens public house
- Dear Messenger: Rose Ardron
Burngreave Messenger letters page April 2012
- Dear Messenger: Andrew Richards
Local resident, Andrew Richards, has written to Tesco Manager, Mark Collings to complain about the new cycle lane on Spital Hill.
- Advice on metal theft
Do not leave metal items unsecured in your front or back yards;
Secure backyards from any attacks;
Do not challenge metal thieves;
Report any metal theft to the police.
If you wish to report metal theft, contact South Yorkshire police on 101.
- Website extras and photos
Extra content and photos exclusive to the website for the April 2012 issue.
- Jobs: Freelance interpreters required
Language Line services are recruiting Freelance Face to Face Interpreters in Sheffield. Uurgent vacancies
- Sheffield Parent Carer Forum open day event
FREE event for parents/carers of children with additional needs from all communities. Saturday 5th May 2012 at SADACCA. Find out about services and organisations to help your child
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2012-03-29 14:19:49.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-04-05 17:16:52.
Follow us on Twitter @TheBMessenger
All content is copyright © Burngreave Messenger Ltd. or its voluntary contributors, unless otherwise stated, not to be reproduced without permission. If you have any comments, or are interested in contributing to the Messenger and getting involved, please contact us.
Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.