Wicker flood defences

Story: Douglas Johnson | Photo: Lesley Bolton

Flood defences are still planned for the Wicker and Nursery St but not on the scale originally intended – leading to more uncertainty for local businesses.

The River Don burst its banks on Nursery St in June 2007
The River Don burst its banks on Nursery St in June 2007

Since the 2007 floods, trees and silt have been cleared from the river and planners have drawn up schemes to protect against future floods, including flood defences and a new riverside park on Nursery St.

However, these defences could cause more problems upstream and the plans may have to be reduced. In addition, the cost of the Nursery St defences has risen from £40,000 to £140,000 as a result of the proposed PFI (Private Finance Initiative) road scheme.

Businesses in the Wicker Forum have expressed disappointment at the changes and invited councillors to visit the area. Many have found it difficult to get insurance because of the flood risk. The Forum will also be looking at the impact of Tesco on local businesses and on the area.

Related articles – the 2007 floods

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Flood news and stories
On Monday 25th June 2007, the Wicker and surrounding areas filled with flood waters from the River Don. These pages recorded news and photos of the disaster.
This document was last modified on 2011-09-25 12:58:48.