Sheffield Mind and Body Project

Looking after our mental as well as physical health – why is it important?

Our physical and mental health are closely linked. We know when we have something wrong with our bodies it affects our mood. And when we are feeling low, it affects how our bodies feel – we feel lethargic and any existing physical conditions feel much worse.

At Sheffield Mind and Body Project (SMBP), we know there are lots of simple things we can do to look after our mental health, just as we do with our physical health. If we do this, we can significantly reduce our chances of experiencing mental health problems, as well as improving our wellbeing in general. The SMBP approach can also aid the recovery of people experiencing mental health problems.

What are we doing to help?

SMBP aims to equip people with the knowledge, practical strategies, confidence and motivation they need to make positive changes to their lifestyles. This benefits both aspects of health. We challenge the stigma of mental health by helping people realise it is one part of our general health and wellbeing and there are many things we can do to keep us well.

Our workshops and courses are suitable for everyone who is interested in improving their wellbeing, whether they are currently experiencing mental health problems or not.

Workshops and courses in 2011

Please note that the cost of some of the sessions is a suggested donation which helps us to cover some of our costs. Do not worry if you cannot afford it – donations are made in a confidential donations tin.

Women's wellbeing

Tuesday 27th September for 6 weeks, 10.30am – 12noon. Pakistan Advice and Community Association, 127 Page Hall Road. Free

Wellbeing Taster sessions

Starting Tuesday 27th September for 10 weeks, 10.30am -12.30pm you can pick and choose which sessions you want to attend- please get in touch for more information. Sorby House, 42 Spital Hill. £1 per session

Anger Management

Courses full for 2011- Dates and times to be confirmed for 2012- please get in touch for more information. Free.

Zumba fitness and Gold

Starting Tuesday 1st November for 8 weeks, 10am – 11am and 11am – 12noon Firth Park Clock Tower. £3 per session Contact Dawn Rowley (Project Coordinator) on 258 4489 or

This document was last modified on 2011-09-22 15:21:15.