Maan, Somali Mental Health

For the last 20 years, Maan has been a first point of contact for the Somali community. With reductions in funding, staff have become part-time but they continue to provide support in mental health and tenancy needs, advice and information and they are helping people to access the right services. They have an open door policy, so can work with all communities. They have recently worked with Eritrean and Kurdish communities.

One of the most important issues in mental health is to handle recovery in >a holistic way that is appropriate for people's cultural needs. A cure >often doesn't come quickly, recovery is a journey.

Maan’s ‘Recovery Folder’ is now available in Somali and gives advice and information about recovering from mental illness.

Maan is at 8 Paradise Street, Sheffield S1 2DF.

Tel: 275 8556


This document was last modified on 2011-09-22 15:00:27.