October 2011 Issue 96

- Tesco prepares to open on Spital Hill
It's been a long time coming but the Tesco on Spital Hill is due to open on 31st October 2011.
- International confectioners arrive in Fir Vale
Shoppers in Fir Vale will be able to satisfy their sweet tooth when Kashmir Crown Bakery, the biggest Asian sweet and confectionery manufacturers in Europe, opens its first South Yorkshire store in Fir Vale on 28th September.
- Course fees campaign success!
Local students and campaigners are celebrating the chance to keep on learning English.
- Firs Hill dispute
More than 50 tenants and residents of Firs Hill met on 2nd September for what became a difficult, tense and occasionally angry meeting.
- The Editorial
This issue we have the good news that the Lottery Fund has agreed to support the work of the Messenger over the next three years.This will go some way to support the work of what we hope you agree is a valuable community newspaper
- Spital Hill Prepares for Tesco
In a month’s time, Spital Hill will hold the opening of a new Tesco Extra store. The superstore will have a bakery, clothes outlet and more, in addition to the regular food items.
- Successful Applicants
The Tesco job guarantee scheme for the new Spital Hill store is now well underway. The scheme, which initially received around 900 applications, now has 120 trainees working together over an 8-week period in preparation for the store’s opening.
- Job disappointment
As well as the 120 jobs, the scheme also left 800 people disappointed. Some residents expressed concern that not enough jobs have gone to local residents.
- Improving Mental Health and Well-being
Research suggests that one in four people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year. At any given time, one in six adults has a mental health problem of varying severity.
- Focus on Ellesmere Green
Ellesmere Green is a central point and meeting place in the community. Although it is in a relatively sorry state at the moment, it is an area of greenery and flowers amid the urban area.
- Duncan’s farewell
A small group of friends and residents gathered at Ellesmere Green in July to mark the passing of one of Burngreave's well-known characters.
- Wicker flood defences
Flood defences are still planned for the Wicker and Nursery St but not on the scale originally intended – leading to more uncertainty for local businesses.
- Wicker chemist
As part of their 60th anniversary celebrations, Wicker Pharmacy are looking for people with memories of the pharmacy or of the Wicker from 1952.
- “Allcomers” at Vestry Hall
The Vestry Hall is back in action after flooding but, for the last few months, “Allcomers” (formerly “Launchpad”) endured cramped conditions on the top floor.
- Page Hall to lose £1.7 million
Residents in Page Hall are set to lose out on £1.7 million of regeneration cash after the Council was unable to identify any housing projects in the area to spend it on.
- Burngreave to become Central?
Last election, Burngreave became part of the new Hillsborough and Brightside constituency. Now, the boundaries are set to change again.
- Recovering from disaster
Pitsmoor photographer Richard Hanson recently visited Haiti for his work with Tearfund. His new exhibition comes to Sheffield in October, featuring images and stories from three visits to Haiti since the devastating earthquake last year.
- 26 years serving the community
After 26 years of unceasing service at the Burngreave Wine Shop, the Patel family have decided to take retirement and sell their shop on the corner of Burngreave Road and Catherine Street.
- Wensley's summer fun
Young people in Wensley have enjoyed another summer of activities, thanks to Wensley Tenants and Residents Association and Activity Sheffield
- Devon Gardens award
For the second year running Devon Gardens, the Victorian nannies’ park on Abbeyfield Road in Pitsmoor, has been awarded a prestigious Green Pennant Award, part of the Green Flag scheme which recognises great green spaces and the work done by the community to maintain and develop them
- Carwood TARA’s office opening
Carwood estate TARA opened their new office on 6th September
- Landfill Restoration Plans
Friends of Parkwood Springs are holding a special meeting on Wednesday 28th September at 6pm at St Catherine's School, Firshill Crescent, to hear about Viridor's plans for the restoration of the landfill site when it closes.
- PITS party on Nottingham Rec
The Party in the Park in August was organised by the PITS Group members Joyce and Donna Divers.
- A Wish to Walk
The Burngreave community came together in the summer to help a child to live the kind of life that most of us take for granted.
- Sages, Greefingers and Songs
On Tuesday 6th September SAGE Greenfingers held their autumn open day, gathering around sixty people on the plots at Grimesthorpe Allotments.
- Finding Fungi
The weather was OK for the walk around Burngreave Cemetery on 10th September.
- Apple Day is here again
The Friends of Burngreave Chapel and Cemetery invite everyone to a Celebration of One World week and Fair Trade at the Apple day event in the cemetery chapel on Sunday October 16th from 11am.
- Cheap Thrills
Cheap Thrills – the zero budget film festival – will be on Saturday 1st October. It's all free!
- Caribbean Sports fun day
Sheffield Caribbean Sports Club had their 3rd Family Fun Day at the Ecclesfield Ground on Sunday 14th August. Over 400 participants from in and around Burngreave joined in free activities.
- Study Support's positive summer
Burngreave After-School Study Support Project (BASSSP) ran a number of positive activities over the summer including a trip to Knowsley Safari Park, gokarting and trips to the cinema.
- Burngreave's hidden gems
Sheffield Wildlife Trust ran a series of events and guided walks over the spring and summer as part of the Burngreave’s Hidden Gems project.
- Successful summer of activity
Activity Sheffield's summer programme was a great success in Burngreave, with sports and play activities across the area.
- Park improvements under fire
Burngreave residents feel they have been badly let down after projects to improve local green spaces have failed to make the grade.
- Learners' success in community course
A group of adult learners from Burngreave and Page Hall recently collected their certificates for completing the Introduction to Community Development and Health (ICDH) course.
- Sheffield Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Foundation
Information about SCCTF and its work with the illnesses
- Verdon Recreation Centre open day
Verdon recreation centre open day activities
- Pye Bank Praise
Pye Bank Primary School received congratulations from the Director of Children's Services, Dr Sonia Sharp, for moving out of the Local Authority’s group of schools that were causing concern.
- Top marks at Parkwood Academy
Parkwood examination results
- Keeping fit at St Catherine’s School
Activity Sheffield is running Aerobics sessions every week at St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School with a qualified Instructor.
- Byron Wood pupil is a winner
Byron Wood pupil is finalist in a national competition.
- Community Assembly
Contact: 0114 203 7562 www.sheffield.gov.uk/northeast
- Shared housing on Pitsmoor Road
Plans to convert a three storey office building on Pitsmoor Road into a ‘House in Multiple Occupation’ (HMO) and ground floor shop were approved by planners on 11th August after a third application for ‘change of use’ was finally given consent.
- Advice service closes
On 8th July the Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) unexpectedly went into administration.
- Affordable furniture
Opened in July 2010, ‘Affordable Furnishings’ on the Wicker sells a range of household furniture, including beds, sofas and dining room furniture.
- Eastern Eye Pakistan Independence Day
August 14th saw another huge celebration event at Mohammed Akram's Eastern Eye take-away restaurant on Firth Park Road. The event drew hundreds of people together for a special meal in honour of the day Pakistan achieved independence back in 1947.
- JOBS at Pye Bank CE School
Catering Assistant
10 hours per week (11.30am to 1.30pm) – Term time only.
£6.29 – £6.83 per hour
Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant
7.5 hours per week (11.45am to 1.15pm)
Term time only.
£6.29 – £6.83 per hour
Closing date: 14th October 2011
- Wildlife Trust events
Environmental activities and events
- Seasonal flu vaccinations
Burngreave Surgery and Herries Road Surgery: dates for flu vaccinations
- SHIFT taster workshops
Want to do something creative or make a documentary?
- Organic Gardening
Free Autumn Short Course with Green City Action
- ESOL classes
ESOL Entry 1, 2, 3 and Level 1 & 2, IELTS & Intermediary Classes and Employability Courses
- Events at Pitsmoor Methodist Church
Pitsmoor Lunch Club meets on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm Pitsmoor Memories Club meets First Monday of the month,12-2 pm
- Coffee Day: Macmillan Cancer Support
Coffee day on 1st October in support of Macmillan Cancer Support.
- Hucklow Nursery open day
Places available for children aged 3 to 4 years. Find out more at the Hucklow Nursery Open Day on 21st October.
- Governors needed at Byron Wood School
Two Community Governors and one parent Governor at Byron Wood Primary School are needed.
- Pitsmoor Lunch Club
Pitsmoor Lunch Club opens on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Pitsmoor Methodist Church
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2011-09-22 13:11:01.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-02-23 14:56:32.
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Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.