Forest Garden Workday

A practical work day will be held at Parkwood Springs Forest Garden on Monday 28th March to plant fruit trees and bushes, do some weeding and continue the planting of the herb and shrub layer.

Parkwood Springs Forest Garden is the site on the hill above the ski slope where a small garden has been planned. The idea of forest gardening is to create a self-maintaining, multi-level area where a mixture of fruit, nuts, berries, herbs and self-seeding plants provide an edible garden for at least seven months of the year.

Ed Thatcher, of the Council's community forestry team, is leading this valuable work-day and inviting anyone in the area to come along and help out as much or as little as they want for a day of wholesome activity and a chance to improve the local environment

People are invited to meet at the car park off Cooks Wood Rd at 10.30am and the event will go on until 3.30pm. Please bring wellies if you have them, as well as warm clothing and a packed lunch. Anyone is also welcome for part of the day.

For more information please contact Edward Thatcher, Community Forester Team on 07816 596 228

Parkwood Springs Forest Garden Work-Day
10:30am to 3:30pm Monday 28 March 2011
This document was last modified on 2011-03-26 10:59:50.