Tesco Jobs - Hotline Number

The Tesco job hotline has now closed. Look out for information about other job opportunities coming soon

Tesco Spital Hill/Savile Street Store Job Guarantee Scheme

Telephone Hotline

The telephone hotline for the Tesco Job Guarantee Scheme will open on Monday 27th June.

The scheme is designed to help local, long term unemployed people move back into employment.

If you are a local resident and have been unemployed for 6 months or more you may be eligible for a place on the Job Guarantee Scheme.

To apply you need to call one of the numbers listed below and book onto an open day.

0114 259 0151 or 0114 259 0155

Phone lines will be open between: Monday 27th June through to Friday 1st of July, 9.00am & 5.00pm

Places are limited and phone lines may close early if all places are filled before 5pm on Friday 1st July

This document was last modified on 2011-07-08 14:14:01.