Fir Vale governors vote for academy status

Fir Vale school governors voted on Wednesday 15th June to apply for academy status for the school, despite the concerns of parents and Labour councillors, some of whom lobbied the meeting.

The school issued a press release stating:

“The Governors believe the move will protect jobs, further raise teaching standards, broaden opportunities for students, including more AS and A level options at the school, strengthen ties with its family of primary schools and encourage more partnerships with other schools in Sheffield.”

According to the press release, research and consultation with stakeholders around academy status has been ongoing for 9 months. But parents of current and prospective pupils have only recently been informed of the plans, and only some have been formally consulted. A statement from David Blunkett MP and local Labour councillors said:

“It was a shock to all concerned when only seven weeks ago this proposition was unilaterally notified to just some of those affected. Parents of Year 6 children in primary schools attending Fir Vale from September were only notified three weeks ago and the wider community has been excluded from having a meaningful input into the future of their school and the facilities”.

Parents were frustrated by the lack of opportunity to ask questions and debate the issues around academy status. A Fir Vale pupil, speaking at Sheffield Anti-Academies Alliance public meeting on Monday 13th June, described the school’s approach:

“In assembly we were told about all the advantages, how we will attract new teachers and get an iPad in every classroom, but we haven’t been told anything about the risks – it’s very biased.”

The application process will now take several months before the school formally becomes an academy.

The Messenger will be providing a full report in our next issue. Email your comments on this story to us at

This document was last modified on 2011-06-24 21:28:05.