Tesco jobs

The Tesco job hotline has now closed. Look out for information about other job opportunities coming soon
Tesco jobs
Tesco jobs

The Spital Hill Tesco will soon be launching a job guarantee scheme for local residents who have been unemployed for more than 6 months.

This scheme will recruit to half the jobs available at the store. The other half will be part of an open recruitment via an online application form, which is likely to be in September.

Job Guarantee Scheme

The scheme is open to anyone who has been unemployed for 6 months or more. You must also have ‘recourse to public funds’. Those in full time education, for example at University or 6th Form College are not eligible for the scheme. The process for applying through the Job Guarantee Scheme will be:

Look out for the leaflet

A leaflet will be distributed in the Burngreave area from the 13th June with the hotline number and the date when the hotline will open.

Call the hotline phone number

On 27th June the hotline number will open, you must call this number to book onto the open day.

Hotline Numbers are 0114 259 0151 or 0114 259 0155

Phone lines will be open between: Monday 27th June through to Friday 1st of July, 9.00am & 5.00pm

Places are limited and phone lines may close early if all places are filled before 5pm on Friday 1st July

Jobcentre plus will be running the hotline, and will check that you are eligible for the scheme. They will tell you what date and time to attend the open day.

Attend the open day

You must attend the open day at the date and time you are given. On the day there will be information about what kinds of jobs are available at the store and there will also be more information about the job guarantee scheme.

Interview skills support

If you decide you would like to apply, you will be booked on to a 3-hours training session to help you fill in the application form and prepare for the interview.

Interview with Tesco

If you are eligible for the scheme and you have attended the open day and interview skills session, you will be given an interview with Tesco.

Those selected at the interview will then be given 8 weeks of training, which will be part-time. If you complete the training, you will start work at the Tesco store.

Leaflet and hotline number

The leaflet with the hotline number will be delivered door to door. It will also be available at the following venues:

• Sorby House, Spital Hill

• Burngreave Vestry Hall, Burngreave Road

• Burngreave Library, Spital Hill

• Verdon Recreation Centre, Verdon Street

• Pakistan Advice Centre, Page Hall Road

And on the Messenger website https://archive.burngreavemessenger.org.uk

This document was last modified on 2011-07-08 14:10:39.