Promenade plays in the cemetery

The Superintendent
The Superintendent

Story: Saleema Imam Photos: John Steers & Carrie Hedderwick

Beautiful weather favoured the debut performance of the Burngreave Promenade Players. The 150th anniversary of the opening of Burngreave Cemetery in 1861 was marked on Sunday 17th April, by several original, short dramas about the lives of some of those buried there.

The amateur cast played out scenes from the Sheffield flood, two world wars, national strikes, mining accidents, murders and famous football heroes. The audience followed the action around the cemetery guided by the ‘Cemetery Superintendent’ narrating from his ledger, ending in the chapel, where it would have been difficult to squeeze in any more.

Costumes and props were begged, borrowed, hand-made or recycled. The top hat and frockcoat were the only items purchased. Comments overheard afterwards in the refreshment tent were all positive:

“It was so full I wasn’t big enough to see everything, but I liked the piece about the strikes the best.”

“What a lot of hard work must have gone into such a great performance.”

“A lovely day out! I hope they will be doing more of these”

“I’ve never been here before. I didn’t know what a lovely place it is. I’ll be coming again another Sunday.”

Passers-by who stayed to join in the fun included a census researcher who was visiting local houses.

“I was really interested in the Sheffieldflood. I’ve learned a lot”

Thanks to all who took part.

Well dressing and guided walk 17th July

The well dressing in the cemetery, missing for the last 2 years, is being reinstated in July this year with a guided walk led by Ken.

If you would like to be involved in ‘puddling’ the clay (in which the flower petals are set); in helping to create the design on Thursday, Friday or Saturday 14th-16th July; or can offer any flowers, petals or other greenery for the installation, then please telephone 07950 299 073 or call into the cemetery any Sunday between 11am and 3pm.

For more information about the cemetery, telephone Christine Steers on 0114 261 8950 or visit the website:

This document was last modified on 2011-05-30 10:35:34.