Story & photo: John Mellor
The 8th annual interfaith peace walk took place in Burngreave on Sunday 27th March 2011.
About 40 representatives of several churches and faith groups across Sheffield gathered at Ellesmere Green outside the Al-Rahman mosque to begin the walk up Burngreave Road, past Firs Hill School and then down Barnsley Road to Fir Vale, with a detour into Devon Gardens.
The group stopped outside places of worship along the route in order to hear a short meditation from different leaders and to pray quietly for peace in the community, the city and the wider world. Stops on the walk included: Dar Al-Salam mosque, St Catherine's, Christ Church, Pitsmoor Methodist Church, Umar mosque, Jamia Masjid, St Cuthbert's and Trinity Fir Vale Methodist Church. The walk was a valuable way for members of the different groups to have conversations with each other and build up relationships which are important for creating harmony in the community.