Donations for the Messenger

Donate Online

Since our last issue, donations and contributions have started to come in, along with some really positive comments about the Messenger.

Thank you to those readers for their generous support, it has been a real boost to morale and will help us keep going.

Since the last edition, some staff members have been volunteering their time to lower costs. The good news is that an application to The Tudor Trust has raised £35,000 for this year and next, so we have an encouraging start.

We do need more money to keep up the work. There are several ways you can donate to the Messenger:

Donate Online

We also love to read the comments we receive, such as:

“I enclose a sub for me and one for a neighbour who might not be able to afford it.”

Another reader wrote:

“Funding should be a priority for community magazines because they are such a precious resource and give invaluable local information to their readers.”

We hope you agree.

This document was last modified on 2011-05-30 09:36:52.