Local Job Opportunities for Burngreave People

Community Assembly Jobs Fair
Community Assembly Jobs Fair

Over 300 local people came along to the Jobs Fair which was held at Sorby House at the beginning of May. Burngreave Councillor Jackie Drayton commented ‘The North East Community Assembly were proud to be able to support this very successful event, organised in partnership with Sheffield City Council, the Assembly and the Spital Hill Partnership’. The event was for local people and its aim was to raise the awareness of the local jobs and to help local people with training for future employment. Some of the key organisations included:

Several community and training organisations also attended including Future Proof, Prospects, Sheaf Training, Red Tape, The Hadfield Institute, Burngreave Children's Centre and the Women’s Construction Centre, offering a range of services, such as apprenticeships, training, advice and support to help people into work.

This document was last modified on 2011-06-20 19:30:31.