Councillors campaign for EMA

Story: Cllr Jackie Drayton

For young people from low income families the EMA offers the knowledge that your family will not have to make sacrifices to support you through college or sixth form.

Without EMA many young people will not feel able to continue in full time education or training – these young people often come from groups under represented in post 16 education, like working class, minority ethnic groups and young people living independently, many of them will find themselves not in employment, education or training (NEET). Young people who find themselves NEET have a 15% statistical likelihood of dying within the next decade and 3 times greater likelihood of becoming involved in crime and anti social behaviour.

Please help us to get the Government to reconsider getting rid of EMA, and sign the on line petition ‘Sheffield Says Save EMA':

This document was last modified on 2011-01-29 15:56:40.