New community garden for Pitsmoor - Your help needed!

S.P.A.C.E.S North Centre
S.P.A.C.E.S North Centre

Community gardens are great places to have in any area.

They give everyone visiting a safe, peaceful space where they can relax and enjoy the local environment together.

BTCV and S.P.A.C.E.S. propose such a garden at the S.P.A.C.E.S. North centre, 259 Pitsmoor Road, for the use of both local residents and users of the centre. It will feature trees, sculptures, seating and plants that will not only look great but will attract wildlife to the area too.

The garden will be designed by local people and created through the work of volunteers. We’d very much like your input about how the project should develop and turn out.

If you’d like to get involved and share your thoughts, please come to the meeting at 2pm, Friday 11 February 2011 at S.P.A.C.E.S. North, 259 Pitsmoor Road, Sheffield, S3 9AQ.

S.P.A.C.E.S. North support people experiencing mental health issues and will be an ideal opportunity to create a new community greenspace and develop greater understanding of these types of health issues.

For more information contact Will Mayor (Assistant Team Manager) on 226 2660 or email

The community garden is a joint BTCV and Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust, S.P.A.C.E.S. North project.

SPACES meeting to discuss new community garden - 259 Pitsmoor Road
2:00pm to 3:00pm Friday 11 February 2011
This document was last modified on 2011-02-03 22:05:02.