Funding for Voluntary, Community and Faith Groups

Community Assembly funding helped Firvale Netball Club buy more equipment.
Community Assembly funding helped Firvale Netball Club buy more equipment.

Over £10,000 has been awarded to local groups in the Burngreave ward during the financial year 2010/11. A total of 24 groups have benefited from the Community Assemblies funding.

Fir Vale Netball Club received £115 for equipment such as bibs, netballs and nets. The group’s aim is to provide access to the sport, improve the health and fitness of local women, promote social interaction and engage women and girls in physical activity.

Burngreave Women’s Health Network received £240 towards a Health Promotion day to raise awareness of heart disease, diabetes, mental health. The funding went towards providing an interpreter, resources and stress busting complimentary therapies.

Somali Education Breakthrough received £152 for new footballs and a trampoline workshop for the children that attend homework clubs which aim to tackle underachievement and disadvantage, and raise self esteem and confidence.

Firshill Agewell Social Group provides lots of activities for Firshill residents, funding will pay for a trip on Sheffield Canal.
Firshill Agewell Social Group provides lots of activities for Firshill residents, funding will pay for a trip on Sheffield Canal.

Firshill Agewell Social Group received £100 towards a trip out on the Sheffield Canal. This group has elderly, disabled and people with learning disabilities and they meet together at bingo sessions and coffee mornings at St Catherine’s School.

A complete list of groups that have been funded is available on our website

If you would like to hear about any funding that is available for your local group do make sure you are on our mailing list – contact us on 203 7562, by email at or the postal address on the right. Regular emails are circulated and details can be posted.

More information about potential funding from the North East Community Assembly and other sources is also available on our blog which is updated regularly

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The content on this page was added to the website by Ivor Wallace on 2011-01-28 16:38:11.
The content of the page was last modified by Kate Atkinson on 2011-01-29 19:28:02.

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The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.

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