Carwood’s ready to start

The Council’s NEAT team have spent the last couple of months tidying up the public spaces on the Carwood estate, and the area around Sedan Street, with funding from the North East Community Assembly.

They are now ready to start adding new low maintenance plants. Carwood Tenants and Residents Association have been busy deciding what species to include. Wynn and Gwen from the TARA said,

“At the moment, we’ve got plants like azaleas and fuchsias on the list. Fushias will flower all through the summer, and well into the autumn, providing a lot of colour around the estate. We also planted 1500 daffodils last year, so we are expecting a good show in spring”

The planting work will start soon and be finished by March 2011.

This document was last modified on 2011-01-29 15:12:30.