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February 2011 Issue 92

- Burngreave keeps going in the snow
More than 12 inches of snow and prolonged cold weather brought disruption for many residents in December 2010.
- New Deal’s buildings go to the Council
Burngreave New Deal for Communities will close before the end of March 2011, and the buildings and all assets will go to the Council.
- Cuts are coming
Government cuts have been talked about for months, but we will soon start to see the effects close to home.
- Tesco starts building
Building work has started on the site of the new Tesco at Savile Street.
- A new plan for empty Firvale houses
Sheffield City Council is looking to change its policy on 37 empty houses in Firvale, including five on Barnsley Road two on Earl Marshal Road and 30 in Page Hall.
- Messenger editorial
The Messenger is now on Facebook and Twitter.
- Missing doors on Bressingham
Missing doors on Bressingham
Bressingham tenant, Saleh Shaibi, has been waiting for new doors from Sheffield Homes for over 12 months and despite repeated requests he is still waiting.
- Bus Route Changes
From Sunday 30th January 2011 bus numbers 45, 46, 46A and 72 will no longer operate and the 73 will cut out Firshill Crescent.
- Smithies Field Landscaping
Redwall, developers at Grimesthorpe Road, are proposing a small landscape scheme for Smithies Field, near the Carwood estate, which will include a path, a bench and wildflowers.
- Carwood’s ready to start
The Council’s NEAT team have spent the last couple of months tidying up the public spaces on the Carwood estate, and the area around Sedan Street, with funding from the North East Community Assembly.
- Mrs Schofield’s “dangerous” dog
Sheffield Homes have threatened a resident with eviction, over a Jack Russell dog they have alleged to be ‘dangerous’.
- Tenants asked to vote on levy money
Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) were asked to fill in a voting slip in October to say how their levy money would be spent.
- Local bus review
How well is the M20 and no 5 working for local residents?
- The cost of cuts
As the Messenger goes to press, details of spending cuts are still largely unknown, but it is clear that they will have a substantial effect upon the community.
- Forum calls for cuts campaign
More than 150 residents, mainly young people, attended Burngreave Community Action Forum's public meeting on 11th December 2010, to hear from young people's services about the impact of cuts so far.
- Study Support at risk
Reach High 2, a study support group which offers six hours of support for school age children in Burngreave, is under threat of funding cuts or closure with the new council budget in March 2011.
- Councillors campaign for EMA
For young people from low income families the EMA offers the knowledge that your family will not have to make sacrifices to support you through college or sixth form.
- Youth Campaign to stop cuts
After hearing about proposed cuts, young people from across the country are campaigning against the loss of EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) in fear of it damaging their ability to stay on in further education.
- One to one support to a healthier life
Being healthy and happy is not always people’s top priority; there are other things to worry about like your family, work and money. But if your health suffers so will everything else.
- Health Champion volunteers
Since November 2010 local residents have been volunteering as Health Champions to help people in their community lead healthier lives.
- Projects for Young people in Page Hall
Young peoples services at the Pakistan Advice and & Community Association.
- Community Wellness Project
A programme of events and activities in Page Hall designed to improve the health and well-being of local residents
- Snow photos gallery
Photos taken around the Burngreave area following the heavy snowfall in November and December 2010
- Calendar calls
The Friends of Abbeyfield Park in collaboration with the Burngreave Messenger are producing a 2012 Wall Calendar.
- Keeping Your Bike on the Road
Burngreave's COMAC bicycle repair project has found a new home in the Burngreave Cemetery Chapel.
- Fresh Water for Allotments
A new project to collect rainwater on Grimesthorpe allotments-which suffer from low water pressure- will help some plots to take advantage of what falls from the sky.
- Grimesthorpe Community Gardens Group
notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
- Firth Park Christmas festival
residents attending Firth Park’s annual Christmas festival. Many residents and visitors came to celebrate together, even with freezing weather and the appearance of snow.
- Children In Need
The staff and children at Owler Brook School had a fun packed day raising money for Children In Need, helping to raise nearly £200 towards the National event.
- Byron Wood Nativity 2010
What a wonderful production the nativity at Byron Wood Primary was! I would choose to watch this nativity over a Hollywood film any day.
- Interfaith celebration
Sunday 21st November 2010 saw over 200 people from 14 religious communities join together for "Interfaith Praxis Sheffield!.
- Diwali at the Hindu Samaj
In November 2010 the Hindu Samaj at Buckenham Street hosted Diwali celebrations to mark the Festival of Lights and the Hindu New Year.
- Christmas Fayre at St Catherine's
The Crescent Craft Group Christmas Fayre, hit by the snow, began disappointingly, but parents collecting children piled into the community room and saved the day.
- Choose Well
The NHS offers a wide range of services to help if you are ill or injured. This is a guide to how each service can help you. Choosing the right one will mean you get the best service, and help the NHS do its job well.
- Exchange Youth Worker
German youth Julia Meier has been working at Christchurch since last Autumn.
- From Pitsmoor to Pyramids
Sophie Mei, tells the Messenger how she progressed from belly-dancing in Pitsmoor to filming in Egypt.
- Rocky and the undercover cop
Burngreave resident, Anthony Mullen, spoke to the Messenger about being an environmental activist and how he got caught up in the national under-cover police controversy in Nottingham.
- Burngreave Fungi
Steve Clements, fungus recorder for the Sorby Natural History Society, has been documenting the fungi he has seen on his travels in our area.
Web exclusive: Guide to fungi found in Burngreave.
- Outreach Improvement Project
A conference took place on the 8th Jan 2010 in Sorby House aimed at promoting the presence of the Outreach Improvement Project (OIP).
- Byron Wood Sing Up
Byron Wood primary school has been working hard to get their silver ‘sing up’ award, no easy feat with such strict criteria.
- Jim Gilbert’s Retirement Party
Nearly forty members past and present of the 76th Sheffield Scout Group, along with the Don District Scout Commissioner, Steve Clayton, and other official representatives, paid tribute to Jim Gilbert’s work as a Scout Leader over the last 50 years.
- Assets transferred to the Council
Burngreave New Deal for Communities will officially come to an end by March 2011 and its assets transferred to the Council.
- Pitsmoor CAB Annual Meeting
Former Home Secretary David Blunkett was the guest speaker at Pitsmoor Citizens Advice Bureau's AGM on 10th December 2010.
- Community Assemblies
News from the North-East Community Assembly.
- New Deal for Burngreave
News from New Deal for Burngreave.
- Big Day at the Cafe
‘Dementia? Welcome! Cafe’ is a place for local people with memory difficulties and their carers to come together to chat and share experiences in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
- Work starts on the Rec
After several months delay improvements to Burngreave Rec have begun.
- Palestine Falafel night
Christ Church, Pitsmoor hosted an evening in solidarity with Palestinians on 6th Dec 2010.
- Wensley Tenants and Residents Association General Meeting
Wensley Tenants and Residents Association
- Abbeyfield Festival needs help
BCAF are holding a public meeting on 12th February, 11am, Sorby House to discuss how Abbeyfield Festival can happen in 2011.
- Green City Action News
Burngreave Garden Share project. Do you have an unused corner of garden that you would be happy to share? Or are you looking for land to grow your own fruit and vegetables?
School for Vegetables Free 10 week course in growing organic vegetables.
- New community garden for Pitsmoor - Your help needed!
Community gardens are great places to have in any area. They give everyone visiting a safe, peaceful space where they can relax and enjoy the local environment together.
- Save Yourself
Stay alive – always wear your seatbelt.
- Musical in a day - Two Sisters and a Funeral
Roger Jones presents his exciting new musical ‘2 Sisters and a Funeral’. Come and join the choir or be part of the audience.
- Watoto Pre-School
Do you need childcare? Are you considering your options? Choose the best!
- Sheffield Academy of Martial Arts
Sheffield Academy of Martial Arts, established in Sheffield since 1980, welcomes new students.
- Adult Learning Guide
Looking for a course in your area? All the information you need is on http://www.ne-adultlearning.org.uk
- Web exclusives and photo galleries
Extra content and photos exclusive to the website
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2011-01-27 13:43:18.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-02-23 14:59:58.
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Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.