Warm Welcome at Norwood

Story: Mick Ibbotson

Having spent a pleasant hour or so with the ladies and gents of Norwood & Bishopholme TARA Art group, I came away with plenty to think about and report back on.

Norwood and Bishopholme’s TARA has risen like a ‘phoenix’ and wants its people back. A collapsed roof on the centre meant the building was out of bounds for a few months but Norma and Jean want people to know that it’s business as usual.

The centre is now fully functioning and is offering a wide range of activities again for the entire community.

These include:

Tuesdays: 10am – 12 noon Art Group

Wednesdays: 6.30pm Keep Fit.

Fridays: 10am – 12 noon Local History; 1pm – 3pm Ladies Craft Group; 7pm onwards Bingo

People are welcome to come and join in.

For more information contact Norma on 243 1779.

This document was last modified on 2011-11-27 23:25:49.