Impact of EMA cuts

Story: Muneebah Waheed

Tensions are still running high among students as the cost of living and tuition fees are all continually rising. Many students are still feeling frustrated and angry as more cuts are being made. The Education Maintenance Allowance scheme closed down for all applicants applying after the 1st January 2011. EMA provided financial support for students from ordinary backgrounds and allowed them to carry on with their education. As this has now been cut, students are angry and desperate, and many are considering quitting further education and opting for apprenticeships instead.

A new scheme replacing EMA is now in place but this scheme is only helping a limited group of students. Maria Iqbal, student, commented on the impact of the cuts saying,

“It is really frustrating how many young people are not getting financial support. I know many people who are really struggling to stay in college as they are not financially stable.”

Another student commented on the replacement of EMA saying

“It is better than not receiving anything at all, but it is not enough, as you need the payment to provide food, transport, college equipment, and much more. Getting a job is proving difficult too, as many employers are looking for people with experience, something that many students don’t yet have.”

The Burngreave Messenger spoke to Donald McClean, Vice Principal at Longley Park Sixth Form, who commented,

“Longley Park will continue to support all of its students in every way it can. We shall administer the bursary fund and ensure all students entitled to the fund will receive it.”

This document was last modified on 2011-11-28 00:14:59.