Burngreave TARA launch

Burngreave Tara
Burngreave Tara

Story: Michelle Cook

Burngreave Tenants And Residents Association (TARA) was launched on the 19th September at Verdon Rec. This is the first TARA in the centre of Burngreave for 4 years, serving the area from Verdon Street to Ellesmere.

Sheffield Homes’ David Wilkinson, the local housing officer, and local PCSOs Steve Shipley and Deb Parker attended.

The AGM was supported by Wensley TARA, whose Secretary, Gladys Newbolt, chaired the meeting, and said: “A TARA is a team who meet together with the desire to serve the community. Communication is the key. Make everyone feel involved and valued and at the end of the day you will have a TARA you can be proud of.”

Sheffield Homes offered support and help and encouraged members to take advantage of the free training on offer.

A committee was then elected – Delia Chadwick, Sharon Baker, Clarete Zvoushe, Joyce Trotter, Margaret Williams, Margaret Hills, Suad Ali, with Lisa Swift as Chair. Mohammed Ali Bashe is to be co-opted on to the committee.

Lisa thanked everyone for coming and said how the committee would like to see the TARA develop: “We all agreed that its about bringing the community together. We want to make our area a good place to live, where tenants’ and residents’ voices are heard, and resources are spent in our area as they should be. For the first 6 months we will be finding our feet and listening to what residents want us to do.”

People can contact Burngreave TARA by

email – burngreavetara@gmail.com, or

through the community engagement team at Sheffield homes 0114 293 0000

This document was last modified on 2011-11-27 21:08:57.