Environmental Photo Exhibition

Supporters of Shebeen's Environmental Photo Exhibition
Supporters of Shebeen's Environmental Photo Exhibition

Story: Maxwell Ayamba

Residents of Burngreave had an opportunity to view photos taken by local young people at the BME environmental photo exhibition at SHEBEEN in July.

The exhibition’s aim is to help people discover the most picturesque and beautiful places in Sheffield and the surrounding countryside so as to encourage them to visit for leisure and recreation. It also introduces the range of environmental activities and events that SHEBEEN provides, to get people actively involved and empowered to enjoy, understand and protect their environmental heritage. Many of the photos were taken by young people from Burngreave who not only took pictures but also learnt about the importance and impact of the natural environment on their lives. The project was run by Anwar Suliman in his role as environmental project officer and photographer.

Sheep in field
Sheep in field
Countryside view
Countryside view

The exhibition, which started on July 1st, ran for three weeks and provided opportunity for funders, beneficiaries, tenants and members of the public to visit the exhibition at the SYAC Centre.

Below are some of the comments from people who attended.

“I fully support the project and the exhibition is excellent, keep up the good work.”

“It made me aware of the importance the countryside and nature has on our lives.”

“Shows the need to continue to provide the opportunity for young people to have access to the outdoors/environment.”

This document was last modified on 2011-07-22 14:06:30.