Cricket Event at Fir Vale

Cricket event at Fir Vale
Cricket event at Fir Vale

On the 3rd July 2011 Fir Vale Community & School Partnership, together with Friends of Owler Brook School, held a community cricket tournament, with food to share, thanks to funding from the Council’s Food Festival Awards. The event brought adults & young people from different schools and backgrounds together.

The event was a huge success and the community particularly enjoyed the relaxed and informal atmosphere. Parent volunteers from both schools prepared homemade dishes for others to try, including Yemeni pancakes, lasagne, pani puri (Gol Gappe) and samosas. Fruit smoothies and mango lassi were also on offer. After food was served, henna & nail art, makeup and threading were on offer, again provided by local community members at a very reasonable cost. The Council also funded Wheely Fun tryout bicycles and Dr Bike for minor bicycle repairs, which both proved very popular.

40 young people of different ages took part in the tournament organised by Activity Sheffield worker, Imran Ali, with support from well known local cricket players Liaqat Ali and Ifthikar Afzal. The winners were the Rajasthan Royals captained byAtif Aslam who was also awarded a medal for Batsman of the Tournament.

This document was last modified on 2011-07-25 00:15:32.