Artists at Ellesmere Children’s Centre

Girl painting at Ellesmere Children's Centre celebration
Girl painting at Ellesmere Children's Centre celebration
Children exploring art at Ellesmere
Children exploring art at Ellesmere
Art in celebration of Ellesmere Children's Centre
Art in celebration of Ellesmere Children's Centre

Ellesmere Children’s Centre celebrated its 15th Anniversary on 10th June with a resoundingly successful Open Day.

The event enabled Ellesmere Children’s Centre to showcase some of its award winning work from over the years.

One of the latest examples of this was the work of resident artists from the visual arts and dance media who were employed by the centre to give our children intensive creative sensory opportunities to explore and interact with natural materials.

The Centre looks forward to the continuation and expansion of their work and future contributions to the next Multicultural Event.

This document was last modified on 2011-07-22 14:47:26.